Jumat, 09 Juni 2023

Picture Series Technique

According to (Daryanto, 2016) Picture Series is a learning method that use images and is paired / sorted into a logical sequence. In addition As (Kayi, 2006), Picture series is a number of Pictures which representation of anything (as a person, produced means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc) in applying a strategy of teaching.

In teaching speaking skills, there are several principles that should be considered by the teacher. One of the important principles is to provide something for learners that will encourage or stimulate them to talk. There are many things that can be to fortify them to talk. For this situation, visual boosts as a photo arrangement were utilized as a part of instructing talking. Connecting to visual or aural jolts, (Hill, 1990) says that visuals have the favorable circumstances
a. of being modest,
b. of being accessible as a rule,
c. of being close to home, that is, they are chosen by the educator, which prompts a programmed sensitivity amongst instructor and materials,
d. consequent eager utilize, and
e. of bringing images into the unnatural world of the language classroom.

Moreover, (Harmer, 1991) brings up that the educator can fortify the understudies to create oral pieces by demonstrating to them a progression of pictures, emulating a story, or playing them a tape with a progression of sounds. Therefore, the Pictures Series Technique was used in teaching and learning speaking. In addition, (Bailey, K, 2005) states that, in a speaking lesson, pictures and “manipulables” can provide the motivation for talking. 

Then, he also stated: Using pictures as the basis of speaking lessons also gives the learners something to talk about, something to focus on other than their own uncertainty with the new language. Regardless of whether you utilize shaded photos from logbooks, ads pattern from magazines, or pictures you situate on the web, pictures add enthusiasm to talking exercises and can propel individuals to talk.
(Bailey, K, 2005) Speaking and writing are both beneficial aptitudes and pictures can regularly be utilized as a part of comparable approaches to advance them (Wright, 2004) furthermore expresses that photos can fortify and give data to be alluded to in discussion and discourse as in narrating. Moreover, (Bowen & B, 1991) states that a sequence of pictures are a series of pictures on a single subject. They reveal their story or theme, like a strip cartoon. In a connected set of illustrations, for good selection and display, the teacher must:
b. Make the titles and captions large enough to read, or omit them all together and do the describing orally;
c. Link pictures. There should be continuity of characterization, setting and subject from picture to picture, with figures of uniform size and recurring landmarks;
d. If book or magazine representations are replicated, they ought to be disentangled and parts not basic to encouraging points ought to be forgotten;
e. The pictures themselves should all be the same size and similarly mounted in order to make a set.

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