Jumat, 28 November 2014


Persahabatan ...

Hmm.. dalem ya? I,
Kalo kalian mau tau, ketika gue menulis itu, gue menulis dengan spontan. Sedih kan kalo punya temen deket, yang janji pengin berjuang bareng-bareng, eh di tengah jalan ditinggalin.

Kok jadi melow gini sih !?

Jadi mau curhat nih. Lah emang tadi bukan curhat!?

Entah kenapa ya, mungkin kamu-kamu juga sering mengalami ini. Setiap kali punya teman dekat, lingkungan dengan sendirinya bakal menseleksi mereka: ada yang bertahan bersama, ada juga yang kemudian menghilang entah kemana.

Apalagi kalo bicara soal cita-cita bersama, di awal kita punya komitmen, sama-sama kuat, sama-sama semangat. Tapi, ketika kita jatuh tersandung di tengah jalan, kita berusaha saling merangkul untuk kembali bangkit, tapi di saat diri kita masih mau melanjutkan berjalan, satu yang lain memilih untuk tetap terjatuh.

Tulisan gue keren ya?

Anyway vroh, udah berapa kali kamu dikecewain teman PHP yang mengaku sahabat?
Udah hilang waktu, hilang energi, hilang pikiran, hilang ingatan, semuanya hilang. Sakitnya tuh ...

Mungkin Tuhan mempertemukan kita dengan orang seperti mereka, biar kita tau seseorang yang bisa jadi life time friend.

Mungkin di masa depan nanti, jika waktu mengizinkan kita bertemu lagi dengan mereka, hal yang ada hanyalah sebuah kecanggungan. Yang dulu sering sapa-sapaan, sekarang nyetor muka aja segan. Begitulah sebuah komitmen gadungan, seperti pisau bermata dua, kalo kita nggak kuat memegangnya, hanya akan memberikan luka.

Sedikit emang, sahabat yang bener-bener setia menemani saat susah, karena teman yg ada ketika kita senang saja, mereka itu sebenar-benarnya kampret. Mungkin di akherat, mereka barisnya di depan Dajjal.

Yang banyak itu, teman yang kerjanya cuma mentingin kepentingan sendiri. Banyak banget model temen yang begini. Manis di mulut, pait di congek, asin di upil. Kok jadi jorok.

Memang ada benernya nasihat lama, sebaik-baiknya teman adalah teman yang membantu kita karena Tuhan.


Ngomong-ngomong soal life time friend, agak susah nyari temen yang model begini. Temen yg ketika kita salah, dia nggak segan negur kita, temen yg nggak tersinggung kalo kita ngecengin dia, temen yg ketika kita makan ki-ef-si, dia nggak segen ngambil kulit ayamnya, temen yg ketika minjem motor, suka males ngisiin bensin.

Life time friend mungkin satu-satunya temen kita yang paling kampret. Tapi dari ke-kampret-annya dia, dia masih tetep care dan stay aside ketika kita lagi banyak masalah. Dialah orang yg paling bijak ngasih solusi tentang urusan asmara kita, walaupun nyatanya dia jomblo. Dialah teman yang paling ngerti urusan financial kita, meski dompet dia juga jadi sarang laba-laba.

Life time friend bagi gue adalah temen yg nggak punya alasan untuk berteman dengan kita.

Love your friend. :)


Seandainya ada mesin waktu, apa yang bakal elo lakukan?

Kalo gue pasti banyak. Salah satunya adalah pergi ke masa lalu.

Sebagai mahasiswa intelek, kita jangan hanya menuntut perubahan, tapi tawarkanlah solusi. Maka kemudian, gue akan menawarkan kepada pencipta skripsi pertama untuk mengubah skripsi menjadi... K.L.I.P.I.N.G. <YEAH!>
Kalo misal gue gak berhasil ketemu sama penemu skripsi di masa lalu, gue gak akan kehabisan akal. Dengan mesin yang sama, gue akan pergi ke masa depan. Di masa depan, gue bakal nyari diri gue yang udah jadi Doctor (semoga ya Tuhan), kemudian minjem disertasi dia yang udah jadi.

Dan saat gue kembali ke masa sekarang, gue akan langsung bimbingan dan membuat dosen bimbingan gue terkapar berbusa karena melihat skripsi gue yang udah setara disertasi. *kemudian dosen gue sujud-sujud *gue dikeplak
Hoaaam... sayangnya itu cuma mind-fantasy aja, walaupun pernah ada orang yang mengaku datang dari tahun 2036 pake mesin cuci waktu, namanya John Terry, hmm... maksudnya John Titor.

Anyway, dengan adanya cerita mesin waktu di atas, kita jadi lebih pandai berimajinasi. Ya... imajinasi adalah dasar seseorang menciptakan sebuah kreasi. Sama juga kayak bikin skripsi -skripsi juga butuh imajinasi, karena di dunia ini masih banyak misteri yang perlu kita teliti, asik. beberapa tweet yang gue kutip sebagai berikut,
semoga mahasiswa2 biologi berhasil menemukan cara biar uang bisa membelah diri kayak amoeba. #penemuan
semoga mahasiswa kehutanan segera menemukan bibit duit. #penemuan
semoga mahasiswa hubungan internasional segera menemukan hubungan dgn jodohnya, jiaha. #jomblo #penemuan
semoga mahasiswa transportasi bisa menemukan pintu kemana saja biar gak kena macet terus #penemuan )
semoga mahasiswa teknologi pangan bisa menemukan pil kenyang, anak kos minum pil ini ga makan seminggu #irit #penemuan )
semoga mahasiswa geografi bisa memetakan jalan menuju surga #penemuan (@irlansah)
Coba kita liat kecenderungan tweet-tweet di atas, kita bisa tau bahwa sebenernya kita itu punya banyak masalah: entah masalah keuangan, cinta, macet, sampe masalah yang gak penting kayak kehabisan celana dalem (gak penting kan?).

Nah, sekarang kita tengok negara-negara maju. Di negara mereka, banyak mahasiswa yang berlomba-lomba membuat kreasi baru atau penemuan baru. Lah kalo di negara kita? Kebanyakan kita berlomba-lomba biar cepet lulus. Alhasil, banyak sarjana-sarjana yang kemudian menyesal dan bilang, 
"Seandainya gue masih jadi mahasiswa, pasti ongkos angkot jadi lebih murah.", begitulah rasa penyesalan mereka yang udah jadi sarjana. *emang gak nyambung
Anyway, penemuan adalah sebuah solusi, begitu juga dengan skripsi. Dan bagi elo yang belom sadar bahwa skripsi adalah solusi atas masalah, maka... sadarlah kawan, anda berada di jalan yang sesat.

Gini gini, maksud gue adalah, saat ini -yang sama-sama kita tau- bahwa skripsi cuma dijadikan sebuah formalitas. Mau bukti, coba liat di hardcover temen-temen elo yang udah beres, pasti di lembar skripsinya tertulis,
"Skripsi, sebagai syarat lulus untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana."
Gue berpikir (ciee bisa mikir), kayaknya kalimat di atas (yang gue kutip) enggak perlu ditulis kali ya? Karena bakal membuat persepsi yang aneh, seperti gue. --"

Hmm.. skripsi itu kalo bisa jangan dijadiin syarat lulus doank kali ya? Maksudnya, skripsi emang gak perlu bagus, tapi tetep buat skripsi yang berkualitas, soalnya sayang aja kalo skripisi udah susah-susah dibuat, malah cuma jadi pajangan. Ya gak? asik.

Nah, sebenernya gue pengin bikin tulisan yang bisa mengajak kalian biar nggak stres mikirin skripsi yang belom beres, dan setelah gue baca ulang tulisan gue sendiri, sepertinya gue gagal. ("_ _)/|

At least, bagi kalian yang lagi kesulitan nyari ide penelitian, saran gue, elo mesti pinter ngeliat masalah. Dan setelah ngeliat masalah, elo berpikir mencari solusi. Itu tuh, alur sederhana dalam mencari ide penelitian/skripsi. Atau formula sederhananya begini,
Analisa masalah > berpikir solutif > ide penelitian
Sederhana kan? Santai santai, gue emang hebat. *dikeplak

So, jangan lagi bingung nyari ide atau bikin skripsi ya? Karena di dunia ini masih banyak misteri yang perlu kita teliti, asik.

Dalam membuat skripsi, kita gak dituntut untuk membuat penemuan heboh, tapi kita dianjurkan mengerti bagaimana menemukan solusi untuk suatu masalah.  

Udah ah. *terbang 

Cara Mudah Menyelesaikan TA, Thesis, Skripsi

TA-THESIS-SKRIPSI TA-Skripsi-Tesis atau apa aja namanya memang dianggap menjadi suatu yang menakutkan bagi mahasiswa, karena merupakan prasyarat akhir sebelum wisuda, sebenarnya kalau dicermati hal tersebut adalah mudah saja, hanya kita sudah menganggapnya sesuatu hal yang sulit untuk diselesaikan. Nah berikut akan dijelaskan langkah-langkah mudah bagaimana menyelesaikan TA-Skripsi-Tesis yang sebenarnya jika kita mau sedikit santai akan terasa mudah bahkan akan dapat mengembangkan wawasan anda apa arti penelitian lebih luas jika anda menikmatinya… langkah-langkah dan segala sesuatu hal yang diperlukan akan saya jelaskan sebagai berikut:

1. Jangan Terlalu Idealis dan Perfeksionis
Banyak mahasiswa yang ingin penelitiannya lain daripada yang lain dengan memaksakan idenya atau ingin skripsinya sempurna, hehehe mungkin ingin dianggap hebat dan lebih baik dari pada yang lainnya wajar kok.
Tapi biasanya mereka yang demikian ini cenderung kesulitan pada akhirnya dan menjadikan penelitiannya malah gak selesai. Jadi intinya biasa aja ambil aja topik atau kajian yang umum dan ringan-ringan aja, intinya anda memahami apa yang akan anda teliti, percuma kan anda meneliti tetapi anda tidak tau arah penelitian anda nantinya. Karena pada intinya yang namanya Ta-Skripsi-Thesis itu cuman pembelajaran untuk mempelajari fenomena yang terjadi ketika anda telah terjun ke lapangan, menjumpai temuan atau permasalahan dan menemukan cara menyelesaikannya. Kalau toh tetep ngeyel pengen menuangkan ide yang pikiran anda sendiri nantinya juga ga masalah kan, karena pada tahap awal anda sudah belajar melakukan penelitian yang mudah, sehingga tau bagaimana membuat suatu penelitian yang lebih baik. Hehe intinya setelah belajar yang mudah nanti yang sulitpun anda akan tetap bisa.

2. Mengambil Kajian Yang Sederhana
Ambil judul yang umum, jangan takut judul pasaran, yang penting anda menguasai latar belakang dan permasalahan dosen pasti akan berpikir dua kali untuk gak acc judul anda. Contoh ringan ambil aja judul yang ada dihttp://www.skripsi-gratis.co.cc/ ikuti ketentuannya agar mendapatkan proposal gratisnya. Ambil judul sembarang sesuai dengan kajian anda, kemudian pelajari proposal atau bab 1- 3 yang dikirimkan mulai pendahuluan, landasan teori dan metpennya. Cara mempelajari yang baik adalah dengan rileks dan santai umpamakan aja anda sedang membaca buku, novel atau komik kesukaan anda. Jadi ketika anda membaca buku, novel atau komik kesukaan anda ketika ditanya jalan cerita anda bisa menjelaskannya dengan mudah karena anda rilek dan menyukai, nah kenapa membaca skripsi tidak seperti itu hehehehe kan ntar kalau ditanya tentang skripsi yang anda tulis anda pasti bisa menjelaskannya, nggak perlu belajar lagi kan. Klo anda ambil topik yang sulit meski anda tertarik kadang masih kesulitan memahami dan sulit juga dalam mencari teori, belum lagi lagi pasti banyak revisi yang bikin pusing dijamin dech ga bakal cepet kelar tuch penelitian.

3. Menjalin Komunikasi Dengan Pembimbing (Dosen)
Sebenarnya klo mau jujur ga ada dosen pembimbing yang mempersulit mahasiswa bimbingannya, yang ada hanya mahasiswa yang merasa dipersulit, kenapa? Penyebab utamanya biasanya adalah kita kurang menguasai bahan atau topik penelitian kita, sehingga ketika ditanya mahasiswa dianggap kurang bisa menjelaskan, tentunya dosen menganggap hal ini akan mempersulit mahasiswa nantinya dalam mempertanggungjawabkan hasil penelitiannya, nah akhirnya dosen memberikan saran atau revisi agar lebih mudah..hehehe. Tapi uniknya karena kebanyakan mahasiswa hanya ya…pak, ya…bu akhirnya mereka merasa kesulitan sendiri, karena kebanyakan juga mereka ngga ngerti apa yang dimaksudkan dosen pembimbing, nah disini mahasiswa merasa dipersulit. (Lagian klo di logika mana ada dosen yang suka mahasiswanya bimbingan ga selesai2 mending kan cepet selesai trus ngerjain yang lain ya …kan).

4. Jangan Pernah Takut Rumus Atau Angka
Kalau yang ini khusus buat mahasiswa ekonomi dan fisip aja kali, hehehe soalnya jarang jg penelitian hukum pake rumus. Artinya ketika akan menentukan judul sebenarnya lebih mudah yang pake metode kuantitatif daripada kualitatif, soalnya dengan kuantitatif peneliti atau mahasiswa sudah punya hasil analisis dalam bentuk angka yang sudah dihasilkan dari hasil penelitiannya nah tinggal menjelaskan aja kan, klo kualitatif wah kita harus pandai2 mengarang, soalnya pertanyaan bisa lebih bermacam-macam.
Contohnya begini: Dari judul skripsi kuantitatif seperti “Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Penjualan” dari judul itu paling kita hanya menjelaskan seberapa besar aja pengaruh bauran promosi terhadap penjualan. Dan hasil seberapa besar itu dah ada di hasil analisis kita, kita juga hanya menjelaskan ada pengaruh apa tidak yang hasil dan kriteria ada atau tidaknya sudah ada di skripsi kita.
Klo judulnya kualitatif seperti “Pelaksanaan promosi terhadap penjualan ptX” wah permasalahannya bisa ribet kita harus paham benar pelaksanaan promosi yang baik, kurangnya dimana, kita harus ngapain hehe dan berbagai macam pertanyaan yang lainnya.
Masalah rumus santai aja, kenapa kita ngga pernah takut ketika kita tau kalau rumus luas adalah panjang x lebar, atau rumus segitiga setengah alas x tinggi, nah kenapa kita sekarang takut klo rumus mencari pengaruh adalah dengan menggunakan regresi y = a + bx (rumus regresi sederhana), rumus cari hubungan adalah korelasi, atau berbagai macam rumus lainnya, Nah sebenarnya kan sudah bisa dijelaskan klo rumus ya rumus ga mungkin kita disuruh menjelaskan kenapa rumus luas itu panjang x lebar ia kan.
Gampangnya rumus itu kaya alat ngolah data aja supaya tau hasilnya, dapat kita terjemahkan umpamanya ada ikan dan kita ingin ikan masak, maka untuk menggoreng ya pake penggorengan, untuk merebus ya pake panci, untuk membakar ikan tersebut ya harus pake panggangan, tidak mungkin kita merebus dengan minyak goreng dan penggorengan, tidak mungkin kita ingin ikan bakar tapi kita masukkan ikan tersebut kedalam air mendidih, sama seperti alat masak tadi, rumus juga alat kenapa takut…

5. Pahami Tahap Penyusunan Penelitian
Biar penelitian cepat selesai sebenarnya kita hanya perlu belajar tentang tahapan penyusunan aja mulai pendahuluan sampai kesimpulan, memang lain lain kampus lain pula cara atau format penulisannya tapi pada intinya sama. Adapun tahapan yang umum dari penulisan ta-skripsi-thesis adalah sebagai berikut:

Bab ini berisi latar belakang kenapa kita mengambil judul, secara umum menggambarkan secara singkat tentang topik yang akan kita bahas. Selanjutnya adalah permasalahan/masalah penelitian dimana dari latar belakang tadi kita mengemukakan permasalahan yang ada untuk diselesaikan, kemudian ada tujuan penelitian dimana dalam sub bab ini kita mengemukakan tujuan yang pada intinya tujuan merupakan gambaran dari permasalahan yang harus kita selesaikan jadi masalah dan tujuan harus sinkron atau mudahnya tujuan pada intinya ya harus menyelesaikan masalah. Selanjutnya adalah manfaat atau kegunaan penelitian dimana dalam sub bab ini biasanya menjelaskan manfaat dari penelitian yang kita lakukan. Biasanya manfaat ini terbagi atas manfaat praktis dan teoritis, tetapi ada juga yang menggunakan model menunjukkan kegunaan manfaat bagi penulis, perusahaan, dan peneliti lain. Tetapi pada intinya sub bab manfaat penelitian ini harus mampu menunjukkan apa manfaat penelitian yang dilakukan ini ke depan. Dan biasanya ada yang ditambahkan dengan sistematika penulisan, yang berisi bentuk kerangka penulisan kita mulai dari pendahuluan hingga penutup.

Selanjutnya setelah menjelaskan pendahuluan, maka suatu penelitian yang baik harus didasari oleh teori-teori yang baik pula, mudahnya kita tidak bisa dengan mudah mengambil suatu judul misal “pengaruh bauran promosi terhadap penjualan pt.x” tanpa kita menjelaskan apa arti bauran promosi, apa arti penjualan dll. Nah disinilah pentingnya bab landasan teori, kerangka teori, tinjauan pustaka atau apapun namanya diperlukan dalam suatu skripsi atau thesis. Hal tersebut dikarenakan dalam bab ini akan menjelaskan definisi dari sesuatu (variabel-variabel) yang akan kita teliti sesuai dengan pendapat para ahli yang telah ahli di bidangnya dalam bentuk literatur atau buku penunjang. Setelah menjelaskan masing-masing akhirnya kita dapat menentukan hipotesis/dugaan (untuk penelitian menggunakan hipotesis) atau bahasa mudahnya setelah kita membaca dan menyajikan teori dari para ahli kemudian kita menduga, nah adanya dugaan ini kita sesuaikan dengan permasalahan dan tujuan dari penulisan. Misalnya kalau tujuannya berisi “untuk menganalisis pengaruh secara bersama-sama” tentu saja hipotesis atau dugaannya adalah “diduga ada pengaruh secara bersama sama” demikian seterusnya.

Dalam bab ini berisi urutan atau tata cara dalam membuktikan dugaan/hipotesis yang ada. Biasanya berisi variabel yang kita teliti, lokasi, populasi sampel, sumber data, teknik pengumpulan data dan setelah data kita peroleh, tentu saja yang terakhir adalah cara kita mengolah data tersebut sesuai permasalahan, tujuan dan hipotesis yang ada, dimana dikenal dengan Teknik Analisis Data. Dalam Teknik analisis data kita sesuaikan apakah pakai kuanti atau kuali, kalau kuanti pake rumus apa, dan juga apa kriterianya. (Makanya rumus cuman alat untuk mencari hasil saja)

Bab ini berisi temuan dilapangan dan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian dan teknik analisis yang telah dijelaskan akan disajikan hasil penelitian dan selanjutnya dibahas apa hasilnya sesuai dengan permasalahan, tujuan dan hipotesis yang telah dikemukakan sebelumnya, nah selanjutnya tinggal dibuat kesimpulanya dimana kesimpulan ini juga harus sesuai dengan permasalahan, tujuan dan hipotesis yang telah dikemukakan. NAH MUDAH BUKAN!!

Seperti ketika kita kesulitan untuk mencari bahan literatur yang baru, santai aja ganti aja literatur tahun lama dengan tahun yang baru, lagian pasti kalau judul pengarangnya sama pasti isinya juga sama cuman beda halaman aja, yang penting biar ga ketahuan ganti juga daftar pustakanya. Dari pengalaman saya sejak tahun 1998-2008 dalam membuat skripsi jarang juga dosen yang cek sampai detail paling 5 dosen dari 100 mahasiswa. (dalam 1 semester 40-50 orang mahasiswa yang saya bantu). Kalau masalah kesulitan data modifikasi aja tahunnya jadi yang terbaru (untuk data-data tertentu aja yang ga bisa dimodifikasi misalnya yang berkaitan dengan saham atau pemerintahan tapi kalau u yakin jg ga masalah yang penting bisa menjelaskan)

Jangan pernah membandingkan hasil penelitian anda dengan hasil teman anda, yang ada anda hanya akan bingung karena belum tentu metode teman sama dengan punya anda, yang penting anda belajar dan yakin aja punya anda yang terbaik.

Sekiler apapun pembimbing menurut anda tapi kalau anda memilih waktu yang tepat pasti anda akan dibimbing dengan benar, artinya kita juga harus memperhatikan saat akan bimbingan dosen lagi sibuk apa nyantai, nah misalnya dengan menanyakan apakah dosen pembimbing ada waktu, soalnya kalau mereka pas lagi sibuk2nya ya jangan salah kan kalau dibaca sekilas ya mending kalau di acc tapi kalau dicoret2 dan kita ngga sempat diskusi payah kan. .

Ini biasanya penyakit mahasiswa yang takut ketika teman selesai dan adanya deadline dari kampus, ini malah bikin konsentrasi anda buyar dan skripsi malah bisa ga selesai atau bisa selesai tapi biasanya ga maksimal, klo ada dealine dari kampus pastikan sendiri kebenarannya dan anda tetap tenang aja, soalnya belajar dari pengalaman jarang kampus yang kegiatannya sesuai kalender akademik Doain aja molor.

Sudah bukan rahasia umum lagi saat akan mendekati ujian anda pasti berpikir besok ditanya apa ya? Apa lagi tanya teman yang sudah ujian dulu wah jangan itu bikin pikiran, mending mulai sekarang saya ajari memprediksi secara tepat bahwa yang akan ditanya waktu ujian ya bab pendahuluan sampai kesimpulan ya kan…. Nah makanya konsentrasi aja belajar biar ilang rasa takut besok ditanya apa.

Sabtu, 22 November 2014

contoh skripsi


1.1    Background of the Problem
                 Nowadays, English is an important language in Indonesia. Because of its importance, it is taught in all of formal school’s degrees, starting from elementary school up to universities. English also taught in courses as an informal school. As students, English learning is very important for them, because to mastery English means that students can use English orally and in written form. in learning English, there are two important things: language in skill and language component. Language in skill consist of reading, writing, speaking and listening skill, and language component consist of grammar, vocabularies, phonology, etc.
                 Speaking, as one of the basic skills in English, is important in order to use English actively. Communicative and whole language instructional approaches promote integration of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in ways that reflect natural language use. But opportunities for speaking and listening require structure and planning to support language development. This digest describes what speaking involves and what good speakers do in the process of expressing themselves. In a conclusion, without speaking can be said that, communication cannot be done optimally.

“Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information” (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997 in Khoironiyah, 2011: 3).  Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking.  It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving. Speaking requires that learners not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary, but also that they understand when, why, and in what ways to produce language or sociolinguistic competence. Finally, speaking has its own structures, and conventions different from written language.
                 Another definition is given by Hornby (2000: 1289), speaking is making use of word in an ordinary voice, uttering words, knowing and being able to use a language; expressing oneself in words; making a speech. In short, speaking skill is the ability to perform the linguistics knowledge in the actual communication. By speaking with others, we are able to know what kinds of situation are in the world.
                 In speaking, students should master the elements of speaking, such as vocabularies, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency. As a foreign learner in Indonesia, many students have amount vocabularies and mastering the grammatical structure, but they still have difficulties in speaking. This problem also appears to the students of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci.
                 We should place great emphasis on speaking rather than other components as the main priority in the early stages of language learning. But the fact in the four skills, speaking is usually the poorest for the students in learning English at senior high school. This results from lack of speaking practice tend to be reluctant to written English in class as well as after class. Based on the information obtained from English teacher of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci who teaches in the tenth grade, it’s found that  about 50% students still difficult to express simple expression in English even greeting and parting expression. He also stated that  the students had low motivation in learning English, because they rarely brought dictionary and text book to school event most of them didn’t have them. It could be proved in researcher observation that 67% of students rarely brought dictionary and text book to school although they have them even 35% of them didn’t have them.
                 The students’ difficulties occured when they speak English. Based on the researcher observation by giving questionare to 63 students of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci in academic year 2012/ 2013, the researcher found out that there were 95% of students stated that they still limitation in mastering the component of language. The 89% of them also rarely practiced speaking English. The  68% of students claimed that they only had a little chance to practice speaking English in the class because their teacher did not speak English in presenting the material lesson even 100% of them stated that they also never practiced  speaking English  out of the class because all of their friends spoke Indonesian. Besides that, there were 86% of students who stated that they still difficult to pronounced the words correctly that make them shy to practice their English orally. Furthermore, the 43% of students stated that the methods applied by the teachers sometimes were not suitable enough to elicit the students speaking that made them felt bored with the class condition, especially in English that’s reputed by 78% of the students as the difficult and mystified lesson. Therefore, they hard to express their expression in English.
                 Those described the effectiveness of teaching and learning speaking in the classroom is still low, so that score was achieved by the students below the KKM, that is 55, could be seen in the table as follow:

Table 1.1: Average Score of Second Semester test of the tenth grade students  

                  of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci Academic Year 2012/  2013
Average Score
  Source: The administration of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci
                 Dealing with the characteristics of the class above, we put forward the following technique of learning and teaching that was debate technique. It is a teaching technique to improve verbal communication and critical thinking skills. In debate, the students were devided in two groups, pro and contra about a current issue. Each group had to present and defend their opinion based on the fact and solid information in English. There were some benefits of using debate in teaching speaking. Firstly, it could improve motivation of the students and encourage them to built critical thinking. Secondly, it developed students’ speaking proficiency in communication. Thirdly, it could growth and developed students’ telerance to their friends’ point of view.
                 There were several reasons why did the researcher choose debate. Firstly, debate is one of the modern technique which is used in teaching speaking. It is seen as an active learning process because students will learn more through a process constructing and creating, working in a group and also sharing the knowledge. Secondly, it is an effective pedagogical technique because of the level of responsibility for learning and active involvement required by all students’ debaters (Khoironyah, 2011: 4). It means that, using debate in teaching speaking is an appropriate way to improve verbal communication and critical-thinking skills. Finally, by using debate technique, we have given more chance to the students to practice speaking English.
                 Based on the background above, the researcher decided to carry out the research entitled “The Effect of Using Debate Technique Toward Students’ Speaking Skill at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci.
1.2    Identification of the Problems
                 Based on the the backround of the problem above,  there were some problems  that are encountered by students at SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci in speaking English. Firstly, students’ limitation in mastering the component of speaking, therefore they hard to express their ideas in English. Secondly, the students were rarely to practice their English either in or out of the class, because both of their teacher and their friends spoke in Indonesian. Thirdly, the students felt that English was very difficult, and it’s not our language, so it’s not too important to be learned. Fourthly, the students still had low motivation in learning English. It could be proved from their teacher’s information who stated that the students rarely brough a dictionary and text book of English. Finally, The methods applied by the teachers sometimes were not suitable enough to elicit the students speaking that made them felt bored with the class condition, especially in English that’s reputed by some number of the students as the difficult and mystified lesson.
So as the teacher, we have to make some variation and innovation in teaching learning process in other to the students feel happy and enjoy to learn, and give them more chance to practice their English orally. Therefore, they will be motivated to practice speaking English.
1.3  Limitation of the Problem
This research was only focus on investigating the effect of debate technique toward students speaking skill at grade eleventh of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci. The issue that was used in this research was about pro-against of UN (national examination) for students. The reason of why the researcher chose UN as the topic in this case, because it’s an annual controversial issue in our education, and students as the object of education needed to know about that. Based on the syllabus used at that school, the text used was analytical exposition.
1.4  Formulation of the Problem
                 Based on the description above, the problem of this research was  formulated into the following question:
Ø  Does  debate technique can stimulate students’ speaking skill at the eleventh  grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci ?
1.5  Purpose of the Research
                 Based on the formulation of the problem stated above, this research was aimed to describe the effect of using debate technique in stimulating the eleventh grade students' achievement in speaking at SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci.
1.6  Significance of the Research
                 The result of the study was expected to be usefull for everybody at any degree.
1.6.1   Theoritically 
The result of this research was expected to be meaningful contribution in:
1.      Assisting the students to fluent and increase their speaking proficiency.
2.      Enriching the teacher’s knowledge about the appropriate technique in teaching speaking.
3.      Giving contribution for the science development that actually debate can be used as the technique to stimulate students in speaking in the classroom activity
4.      This study can be helpful as a feedback for English teachers to think or to find the appropriate method, technique and media to be applied for the next teaching
1.6.2   Practically
1.      Researcher
The result of the study was usefull for the researcher in order to fulfill the degree of English Department in STKIP Muhammadiyah. It is also expected that it can be usefull, one day, when the researcher applies this degree in the real life teaching-learning situation.
2.      Teachers
The result of the study was expected to help teachers to get alternative ways in their teaching process, especially by using debate in teaching speaking.
3.      Students
The result of the study was expected to be useful for the students to enable them to use the language in a creative way and make them think creatively. They, hopefully, stimulated to use their imagination to find a match between the verbal description and the visual elements presented.
4.      Institution
The result of the study was expected to be usefull for all English teachers at SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci to teach their students in English, especially in speaking, without feeling anxiety but cheer the students up and make them smile or even laugh by using appropriate technique.
5.      Science Development
The result of the study was expected to give the other researchers in developing their knowledge and experience in composing academic writing.
1.7  Definition of the Key Terms
1.      Debate is Technique which involves two or more speakers, discussions certain topics, give their point of view opinions, thoughts, and fact. Then giving respond to relevant questions or comment from other in the class.
2.      Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.


2.1  Review of Related Theories
2.1.1  The Notion of Speaking
                 Speaking is one of four language skill which is very important to be mastered by students in order to be good communicator. Speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others (Glenn, 2003 in Rubiati, 2010: 7). Tarigan (1990) in Khoironiyah ( 2011: 3) defined that speaking is the basic language, because it is developed in child life, that is preceded by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill is learned. According to Fulcher (2003: 23) “speaking in an ability that is taken for granted, learned as it is through process of socialization through communicating”. Speaking is making use of language in ordinary voice; uttering words; knowing and being able to use a language; expressing oneself in words; making speech (A S Hornby, 2000: 1289).  According to Mukminatien (1999: 4) in Khoironiyah “Speaking ability is complicated because it covers various language components (Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.”. It refers not only to the grammatical system of the language but lexical system.

                 Based on the expert opinions above, we can conclude that  speaking is important for the students who learn a language. It is the way to express the feeling through words, even conversations with others. The most of people communication is done by using spoken language. It means that students have to speak in other to express their aim, feeling, and ideas to the others. Therefore, it can be said that without speaking, a language can’t be learned optimally.
2.1.2  The Elements of Speaking
                 There are many difficulties that is encounter by the students in speaking if they want to be a good speaker. In order to be a good speaker, They have to mastered some elements of speaking. Harmer (2002: 269) in Rubiati (2010: 8) defined that there are four elements of speaking that have to be mastered by the students if they want to be a good speaker. They are connected speech, expressive devices, lexis and grammar, and negotiation language.
1.      Connected speech
In connected speech, sounds are modified, omitted, added, or weakened. Effective speakers of English need to be able not only to produce the individual phonemes of English, but also able to use connected speech fluently. By this reason that we should involve our students in activities designed specifically to improve their connected speech.
2.      Expressive devices
Students should be able to deploy at least some of such supra segmental features and devices in the same way if they are to be fully effective communicators. Native of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and non verbal means how they are feeling. The use of these devices contributes to the ability to convey meaning.
3.      Lexis and Grammar
Spontaneous speech is marked by the use of number of common lexical phrases, especially in their performance of certain language function. Teachers should therefore supply variety of phrases for different functions, such as: greeting, agreeing and disagreeing.
4.      Negotiation Language
Effective speaking benefits from the negotiatory language we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying. We often need ask for clarification when we are listening to someone else talk.
                 In conclusion, Speaking is not focus on remembering amount of vocabularies and mastering the grammatical structures, but  also we have to master all elements of speaking above. If we have mastered those elements, all information that we deliver will be acceptable by all communicants.
2.1.3  Types of Speaking
                 Brown (2004: 141) defined that basicaly, there are five types of speaking, they are:
1.      Imitative
It is the ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase of possibly a sentence.
2.      Intensive
It is the production of short stretches of oral language  designed to demontrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationships (such as intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture). Examples of intensive assessment task include directed response tasks, reading aloud, sentence and dialogue completion, etc.
3.      Responsive
It includes interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard greetings and small talk, simple requests and comments, and the like.
4.      Interactive
The difference between  responsive and interactive  speaking is in the lenght and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes multiple exchanges and/ or multiple participant.
5.      Extensive (monologue)
It includes speeches, oral presentations, and story-telling. Language style is frequently more deliberative.
            According to the types of speaking above, this research belong to the responsive speaking in which the researcher interview the students by using two or more questions. The researcher asked the students to give their opinion  about UN.
2.1.4  The Importance of Speaking
                 Speaking is very important skill that have to be mastered by the students in English, because by mastering speaking skill they can caryy out conversation with others, express their ideas, and exchange the information. As stated by the Khoironiyah (2011: 2) “The success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out conversation in language speaking involves producing, receiving, and processing information”.
                 Learning and speaking english is an important step in settlement process in the real world, because it helps someone obtain better job. Ibrahim Absyie (2011) in Khoironiyah (2011: 9) stated “ opens the door for employment, integration, and education. Speaking can be the first step to clear, effective communication”
                 According to the statement above, can be conclude that speaking is very important for the students who learns a language. Spoken language is used mostly in the communication. It mean that they have to speak in other to express their aims. Therefore, it can be said that   without speaking, communication cannot be done optimally.
2.1.5  Teaching Speaking
                 The goal of the learning and teaching English in senior high school is communicative competence. Based on 2006 TEFL high school syllabus  and KTSP teacher of English should teach English to the students communicatively, and encourage the students to have communicative competence by creating  the atmosphere of the class that is rich in communication. Kimtafsirah, et al (2009: 6) stated that “in teaching speaking, the characteristic of the class should be students center, cooperative, the students should work in a small groups, they should be active in discussing the tasks and exercises”.
                 According to Bashir, Azeem, and Dogar (2011: 36) there are five stages in teaching speaking. They are:
1.      Pre-production stage 
This stage is also called the silent period. In this stage, the studets just only imitating what the teacher says.
2.      Early production stage
On the second stage, the students have just use short language expressions, but they still can not always use them correctly.
3.      Speech emergence stage
At this stage, the students have a good vocabulary and can use simple phrases and sentences when they communicate with their friends. They have an initiative to try a short conversations with their classmate.
4.      Intermediate fleuncy
At this stage, the students able to use more complex sentences in speaking and share their feeling and expressionthey are able to ask questions to clarify what they are learning in class, and they have been able to work with some teacher support.
5.      Advance fluency
In this stage, the students have increasing facility in discussion using his vocabulary without any proper preparation.
                 In conclusion, teaching speaking is started at teaching the students how to speak in English as their foreign language, and then ask them to be able to pronounce the new language accurately. It’s continued then to guide students to a point where they can begin to judge whether their sound productions are correct or not. At this point, teacher is no longer primarily to correct, but he or she is supposed to encourage students to practice speaking the target language. Meanwhile, teacher should be able to encourage students speaking some sounds, repeating, and imitating him/her. Finally, the students are required to be used to practice and do oral language.
2.1.6  The Factors of Speaking Skill
                 No language skill is so difficult to assess with precision as speaking ability, and for this reason it seemed wise to defer our consideration of oral production tests until last. Moreover, some of the problems involved in the evaluation of speaking skill occur in other forms of language testing. Like writing, speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities which often develop at different rates. According to (Harris, 1969) in Rubiati, (2010: 11) there are five components that are generally recognized in analyses of the speech process:
1.      Pronunciation including the segmental features vowels and consonants and the stress and intonation patterns.
2.      Grammar is the rules about how words change their form and combine with other words to make sentences.
3.      Vocabulary is all the words which exist in a particular language or subject.
4.      Fluency is the ease and speed of the flow of speech.
5.      Comprehension. For oral communication certainly requires a subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate it.
                 The five factors of speaking skill above have important role in speaking. A good speaker has to master all the factors, in other to produce good speech.
2.1.7  The Roles of Teacher in Speaking Class
                 Teachers need to play a number of different roles during the speaking activities As with any other type of classroom procedure. Based on the 1994 TEFL high school syllabus, English teacher should be creative flexible and adabtable to the students. According to Mulyana and Kimtafsirah, (1997:51) in Kimtafsirah, et al (2009: 8) the teacher have to support to find the way to help their students in other to get the fluency in speaking. Besides, there are three particular relevance if the teacher are trying to get students to speak fluently (Harmer in Rubiati, 2010: 14):
1.      Prompter
When the students get lost and can’t think of what to say next, or in some other way lose the fluency teacher expect of them. However, teacher may be able to help them and the activity to progress by offering discrete suggestions without disrupting the discussion.
2.      Participant
The teachers should be good animators when asking students to produce language by giving general description. Sometimes this can be achieved by setting up an activity clearly and enthusiasm. At other times, however, teachers may want to participate in discussions or roleplays themselves.
3.      Feedback provider:
When students encounter the difficult misunderstandings and hesitations in the middle of a speaking activity, the teacher may give a hlepful and gentle correction in other to the students out of it.
                 In conclusion, Teacher plays big roles in teaching learning process, in other to the students get fluency while they are speaking, and out of the difficult misunderstandings and hesitation in speaking activity. Speaking teacher should play the roles above in order to make the speaking class runs well.
2.1.8  Testing of Speaking
                 To know the progress of the students speaking ability  after taking the treatment, the researcher will take a test. Speaking is categorized as productive skill in which we produce utterances that is observable as stated by by brown (2004: 140) that speaking is a productive skill that can be directly  and emperically observed. According to Suwandi and Taufiqulloh (2009: 184) observations of speaking are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test taker’s listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and the validity of an oral production test.  Speaking is probably the most difficult skill to test. “It involves a combination of skills that may have no correlation with each other, and which do not lend themselves well to objective testing” (Kathleen Kitao and Kenji Kitao, http:/ /www. cis. doshisha.ac. jp/ kkitao/ library/ article/ test/speaking.htm,  accesed on may 19th 2013).
                 The scores in speaking test was taken based on oral proficiency scoring  categories by Brown (2001) in Brown (2004: 172). Look at the table below:
Table 2.1
Oral Proficiency Scoring Categories
-          Pronunciation problems to severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible.
-          Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problems. Must frequently be repeated.
-          Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.
-          Always intelligible, though one is conscious of a definite accent.
-          Have few traces of foreign accent.
-          Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible.
-          Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language limitations.
-          Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problems.
-          Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problems.
-          Speech as fluent and effortless as that of a native speaker.
-          Cannot be said to understand even simple conversation English
-          Can comprehend only “social conversation” spoken slowly and with frequent repetitions.
-          Understands most of what is said at slower than normal speed with repetitions. Has great difficulty following what is said.
-          Understands nearly everything at normal speed, although occasional repetition may be necessary.
-          Appears to understand everything without difficulty
-          Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible.
-          Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite difficult.
-          Frequently uses the wrong words, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary.
-          Sometimes uses un appropriate terms and/or rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies.
-          Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of native speaker.
-          Errors in grammar and word order so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible.
-          Grammar and word order errors make comprehension difficult. Must often rephrase sentences and/or restrict himself to basic patterns.
-          Makes frequent errors of grammar and word order which occasionally obscure meaning.
-          Occasionally makes grammatical and word order errors which do not, however, obscure meaning.
-          Makes few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order.
2.1.9  The Notion of Debate
                 “Debate is an effective pedagogical technique because of the level of responsibility for learning and active involvement required by all student debaters” (Gene, 2001). Hornby (2000: 340) defined debate as “a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament, and it is an argument or discussion expressing different opinion”.  Moreover, it provides an experience by which students can develop competencies in researching current issues, preparing logical arguments, actively listening to various perspectives, differentiating between subjective and evidence-based information, asking cogent questions, integrating relevant information, and formulating their own opinions based on evidence. As stated by Browne & Keeley (2004) in Joseph (2006: 114) that “to support the reason, the speeker should provide some evidences which can come in the form of expert opinion, results of a research study, statistics, case examples and analogies”.
                 Barkley, et al., (2005: 191) stated that debate is a complex technique that need some preparations, because in debate we need to enough time to choose a topic suitable to a current issue, deviding the students into some group, the students need to read the topic before doing a debate, and define a rule used in debate in other to  it can be done optimally. According to Uno and Mohamad (2011:100) “debate is disigned to solve a problem from a different point of view”.  In debate, the students chose one side of pro-against by using their point of view about an issue. It means that the students are requested to deliver and defend their ideas based on their position in debate”. It is suitable with the 2004TEFL high school syllabus,2006 TEFL high school syllabus and KTSP that states “teacher of English should teach English communicatively”. It means that teacher should encourage the learners to have Communicative competence by creating the atmosphere of the class which is rich in communication.
                 Based on the expert above, can be concluded that debate is a good and an effective technique that can be used to create the atmosphere of the class which is rich in communication, and give them more chance to practice their spoken language in other to the they have communicative competence.
2.1.10    The Strengths and Weaknesses of Debate in Speaking Classroom  The Strengths of Debate
                 Debate as a communicative and an interactive technique is an interested activity to be practiced in the classroom. by participating to watch and listen in debate class give some benefits to the students including in speaking skill. As stated by Ehnenger & Brockriede, (1987) in Joseph, (2006: 111) “Debate can develop research ability, critical thinking skills, and public speaking skills”.  Barkley, et al (2005: 192) defined that  there are three benefits of debate for students. Firstly, debate can improve students’ motivation to practice their spoken languange. Secondly, it can encourage students’ in critical thinking, and develop students’ speaking proficiency in comunication. Thirdly, it growthes and developes students’ tolerance and appreciation to the their friends’ point of view.
                 According to Luckett (2006: 119) there are great advantages of debate toward students. Firstly, the students become more active in small-group and class discussion. Secondly, it will improve students confidence while they are giving academic presentation. Finally, it is one of the effective way for training both linguistic and intellectual abilities. Francis J. Buckley (2008: 2) stated that debate has much strength to apply in teaching speaking toward students. Firstly, debate trains the students to  share and cooperate well with one another. Secondly, it trains the students’ responsilility, encourage creativity, deepens friendships and built comunity among teacher. Thirdly, students not bored, but very enjoy with debate activity. Because, every student takes a role in debating, so they are actively join the activity. Finally, it can improve the students’ speaking ability. Speaking skill automatically improved when students practice debating, because they enter into conversations between them as they debate.
                 Besides, Bellon (2000: 4) in Rubiati (2010: 16) also defined that debate has some benefits in teaching and learning process. Firstly, debate makes the students to be usual and able to accept or face the  disappointment and defeat. Secondly, the students are capable of making and defending informed choices about complex issues outside of their own area of interest because they do so on a daily basis. Thirdly, Debate is not only a way to connect students with academic subjects. It can also connects the students to public life. Finally, the policy that is used in debate specifically can teach the students to adopt multiple perspectives which describe as one of the most important problem solving skills.
                 Because of some benefits above, can be conclude that  debate is really need to be practiced in speaking classroom. It is an appropriate technique to apply in teaching speaking as the way to give more chance to the students to practice their English orally in other to their speaking proficiency in communication can be improved and more fluent.  The Weeknesses of Debate
                 In learning process, debate  has many weaknesses too. According to  Malley and Pierce in Rubiati (2010: 20) there are several weeknesses of debate in applying it in the classroom. Firstly, debate technique only can be used for specific subject, such as subject that related with agreeing and disagreeing and giving argument. Secondly, debate needs long times and preparations. Many preparations need in debating in order to make debate runs well. Students should prepare their arguments before debate to make them easier to attack the opponent’s opinion. Finally, it makes the students’ emotional in defending their argument. Many students can’t manage their emotion when they defend their argument.
                 Although it has some weeknesses too as stated above, its benefits are more great especially on in teaching speaking, because it geves more chance to the students to practice their English orally.  Moreover, it weeknesses can be minimized by the teachers.
2.1.11  A Debate Classroom
                The form of debate is varied in use. In speaking classroom, debate can be taken such the following procedures: as stated by Barkley et al. (2005: 193):
1.      Make two proposition, pro and contra
2.      Give explaination to the students about the rules in the debate.
3.      Devided the students into some groups which consist of four up to six students.
4.      Give and devide the times to the students in each teams to
-          introduction their group (1 minutes)
-          presenting argument or rebuttal (3 minutes),
-          competing debate (10 minutes)
-          make a conclusion ( 2 minutes)
                Pedersen, 2002 in Rubiati (2010: 19) defined that there are several procedures in applying debate technique in the classroom, named:
1.      The students  are divided into some teams.
2.      Selecting debate topic and assigning the two teams to debate the topic.
3.      Ensuring that the participants have time beforehand to prepare for the arguments and to collect supporting data to present during the debate.
4.      Presenting the topic and format of the debate.
5.      An example format of the debate as following:
a.       Side 1 presents opening arguments, with three members each giving a statement.
b.      Side 2 presents opening arguments, with three members each giving a statement.
c.       Side 1 has chance for rebuttal
d.      Side 2 has chance for rebuttal
e.       Side 1 has chance for a second rebuttal
f.       Side 2 has chance for a second rebuttal
g.      Side 1 takes time for a conclusion.
h.      Side 2 takes time for a conclusion.
                 Besides, Luckett (2006: 113) defined that debate classroom has several procudures. Firstly, devide students into two teams, an affirmative team anda negative team. Each team consists of three speakers. Each speaker is geven responsibility for one speech. The debate begins with the First affirmative and  First negative constructive speech. The debate then returns to the Second affirmative and second negative constructive speech. Finally, the debate then concludes with the negative rebuttal that is followed by the affirmative rebuttal.
                 In conclusion, debate technique need a good preparation in applying in the classroom. Firsts, the students have to devided into some groups. Secondly, the teacher have to give a current topic of issues to the students, and give them enough time to prepare their arguments. Finally, the teacher have to deliver the rules that is used in debate in other to the classroom activity can run well.
2.1.12    The Concept of Teacher’s Existance Technique
The existance technique that is used by the English teacher of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci in teaching speakings discussion technique. According to Fauziati (2002: 6) in Khoironiyah (2011:12) “The students may ain to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas about event, or find solutions in their discussion groups”. In this way, the discussion points are relevant to this purpose, so that students do not spend their time chatting with each other about irrelevant things. For example, students can become involved  in agree/ disagree.
The procedures in applying this technique are:
1.      The teacher can form groups of students, preferably 4 or 5 in each group.
2.      Provide controversial sentences like “UN is not relevance with our educational curriculum vs. UN is very important to our educational curriculum need”.
3.      Each group works on their topic for a given time period.
4.      Then, each groups present their opinion in front of class orally that is equally divided among group members.
This activity fosters critical thinking and quick decision making, and students learn how to express and justify themselves in polite ways while disagreeing with the others (Khoironiyah, 2011: 12). For efficient group discussions, it is always better not to form large groups, because quiet students may avoid contributing in large groups. The group members can be either assigned by the teacher or the students may determine it by themselves, but groups should be rearranged in every discussion activity so that students can work with various people and learn to be open to different ideas. Lastly, in class or group discussions, whatever the aim is, the students should always be encouraged to ask questions, paraphrase ideas, express support, check for clarification, and so on.
2.2  Review of Related Findings
                 There were some previous studies that was related to this research:
1.      Khoironiyah, (2008). “The Implementation of Debate in Teaching Speaking at Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negeri 2 Rembang in the Academic Year 2011/2012”. The subject of the research is 44 students who sit in XI IPA. This research found that using debate as the technique in teaching speaking can increase the ability and capability students in speaking. The writer carried out the study by using some instruments such as speaking test, observation check list and questionnaire. After collecting the data, the writer can conclude that the implementation of debate gave influences in speaking skills of the students and the method can be used as the alternative to teach speaking.
2.      Fitriyaningsih, (2008). Improving Speaking Skill Through Debate Of The Eleventh Year Students Of Sman 2 Wonogiri In 2007/2008 Academic Year”. The research findings prove that debate is an effective technique in teaching speaking to improve the students’ speaking skills. The method used in this research is collaborative action research between the senior high school English Teacher (Teacher H) and the researcher. The research was conducted in three cycles from May 3rd until May 28th 2008 at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Wonogiri. The research data are colleted by using techniques of qualitative and quantitative data collection which include: observation, interview, research diary, document analysis and the mean score of pre-test and post-test.
3.      Richa Rubiati, (2010). “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Debate Technique (A Classroom Action Research with First Semester Students of English Language Teaching Department Tarbiyah Faculty at IAIN Walisongo Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)”. The result of this study shows that using debate technique can improve students’ speaking skill. This study is conductd in two cycle.  The increaing of students speaking ability is proven by students’ test score that improved in every cycle. In the first cycle, the students’ average score was 65.3 and in the second cycle students got 76.6. The participant of this study was 31 students in class TBI 1B.
2.3  Hypothesis
                 The hypothesis of this research is formulated as follow:
H0 : There is a significant effect of debate technique toward  students’s
          speaking ability at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5
HI : There is not a significant effect of debate technique toward students’
          speaking ability at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5
2.4  Conceptual Framework

                 In other to avoid the misunderstanding, the writer use conceptual framework as follow: students have difficulties in speaking. So the writer conduct experimental research  by using debate technique. In other to this research has better result, the writer took two samples or in this case two classes, experimental class and control class. Experimental class use teaching treatment with the debate technique, and control class use teaching treatment without  the debate technique. Finally, the writer will find the result by using t-test formula to find out whether there is significant effect of using debate technique toward students’ speaking skill.
3.1  Type of the Research
Based on the problem that has been stated previously, this research is an experimental research which consist of two variables namely debate technique as independent variable  and students speaking ability as dependent one. This statement is supported by Fathoni (2006: 99) who states that experimental research is a trial of method to investigate the effect of a certain variable toward an another one.  This research is designed to investigate the effect of students’ speaking ability by using debate technique. Shortly, the research focuses on how debate technique influences students’ speaking ability.
The research  is conducted through two classes which are the experiment class which uses debate technique and the control class which do not use one as a treatment. As stated by Suhardjono (2012: 56) that “experimental research is aimed to collect the information or data  about the effect of applying a treatment”. The design of this research uses groups pretest - postest design, as follows :
Table 3.1
Research Design
Independent Variable
Where  :
X         : Independent Variable
Y1        :Dependent Variable before the manipulation of the independent   Variable
Y2        : Dependent Variable after the manipulation of the
  independent Variable.
This research consist of two variables, dependent and independent variable. A dependent variable is the variable that will be measured in the research, and the independent variable is the variable that can influence the dependent variable. The dependent variable in this research is the eleventh grade students’ score of speaking ability. The independent variables is the use of debate technique.
3.2  Population and Sample
3.2.1 Population
Gay and Airasian (2000: 122) stated that population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group that which she or he would like the result of the study to be generalizable, so in this research the population is all of the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci. It has four classes at the eleventh grade. The total number of students at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci academic year 2013/ 1214, can be seen in the table below :
Table 3.2
Research Design
Number of Students
3.2.2 Sample
According to Sugiyono (2009: 118) the sample is some part of the total and characteristic that is has of the population. In this research, the technique of selecting sample is cluster random sampling technique. The cluster random sampling is area sampling technique that is used to choose the sample if the object or sources of the research are wide (sugiyono: 2009: 121). Therefore, the writer uses this technique in selecting sample, because all of the class is taught by the same English teacher, so all of the them are taught by using the same syllabus, lesson plan and material lesson too. Moreover, eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci consists of wide population. So by using clusters sampling technique is more practical to get the samples.
 Before getting sample, previously the researcher will give speaking test to the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5 kerinci, and finds their average score, variance, and standard deviation. Then,  researcher do normality test to students score by using liliefors test. It’s aimed to know whether the population has normal distribution or not. The steps in doing liliefors test, as follow:
1.      Find the students’ average score
2.      Find the standard deviation score
3.      Find the standard score (Zi)
4.      Check  the Zi score to the table, and find the opportunity of F(zi)
5.      Find the proportion of standard score (S(zi))
6.      Find the difference score of F(zi) and S(zi), by using the following formula
7.      Determine the highest score of L0 and compare to Ltable. If L0 < L table the distribution of population is normal, but if L0 < L table the distribution of population is not normal.
Afterthat, the researcher will do the homogenity test by using Bartlett test as stated by Sudjana (2005: 262) as follow:
1.      Make a table of the units needed in bartlett test.
Table 3.3
Bartlett Test
Log Si2
dk (log Si2)
n1 – 1
1 / (n1 – 1)
Log S12
(n1 – 1) Log S12
n2 – 1
1 / (n2 – 1)
Log S22
(n2 – 1) Log S22
nk – 1
1 / (nk – 1)
Log Sk2
(nk – 1) Log Sk2
To get the equal classes, the researcher uses the speaking score of pre-test that has been given to all classes. Then, it is calculated based on the result of homogeneous sample test by using bartlett test formula as follow:
  (Sudjana, 2005: 263)
Where  :
x2         = chi square
ln 10    = napier logarithm (2, 2026)
B         = unit value of Barlett
ni            ­­= number of sample
Si2      = combination of varians value
3.3  Instrumentation
In conducting the data, the researcher uses the speaking test.  Type of the test that is used in this research is Responsive Speaking, question and answer. Douglas Brown (2004: 159) stated that “that tasks can consist of  one or two questions from an interviewer, or they can make up the portion of the whole battery of questions and prompts in an oral interview”. Based on what is said by douglas brown above, in this case the researcher will interview the students as the test-takers about an issue that they have been debated.
3.4  Procedure of The Research
3.4.1 Research Procedure of Experimental Group
1.      Greeting
2.      Take pre-test
3.      Students are divided into some groups, each group is consist of three students.
4.      Selecting debate topic and assigning the two teams to debate the topic.
5.      Give explaination to the students about the rules in the debate
6.      Ensuring that the participants have time before hand to prepare for the arguments and to collect supporting data to present during the debate
7.      Give and devide the times to the students in each teams to
-          introduction their group (1 minutes)
-          presenting argument or rebuttal (3 minutes),
-          competing debate (10 minutes)
-          make a conclusion ( 2 minutes)
8.      Presenting the topic and format of the debate.
9.      An example format of the debate as following:
a)      Side 1 presents opening arguments, with each three members giving a statement.
b)      Side 2 presents opening arguments, with each three members giving a statement.
c)      Side 1 has chance for rebuttal
d)     Side 2 has chance for rebuttal
e)       Side 1 has chance for a second rebuttal
f)       Side 2 has chance for a second rebuttal
g)      Side 1 takes time for a conclusion.
h)      Side 2 takes time for a conclusion.
8.      Give post-test
3.4.2 Research Procedure of Control Group
1.      Greeting and take attendance list
2.      Give pre-test
3.      The students are taught by using the existance technique that is used in SMA Negeri 5 Kerinci, where:
-          Students are asked to make a discussion text on the title of UN (National Examination)
-          They are asked to present/ deliver their text one by one in front of class orally
4.      Give post-test
3.5  Technique of Collecting Data
The data of this research is quantitative data that is students’ score in speaking test. To obtain the data, researcher give the pre-test and post-test for both experimental and control class. The pre-test is used to know the students’ basic ability in speaking proficiency before giving treatment. After giving pre-test, the treatment is conducted by using debate technique for experimental class, but the control class is taught without debate technique. Then, in the last meeting, the students in experimental and control class do the post-test. The aim of the post-test is used to see the effect of debate technique to the students’ speaking ability. This effect is known by using t-test  formula.
The score of the students are interpreted based on the scoring interpretation of students’ achievement. The students’ score are interpreted in categories, very good, good, fair, weak, poor. It is based on Arikunto (2006: 245)
Table 3.3
The score interpretation for students’ achievement
80 – 100
Very good
66 – 79
56 – 65
40 – 45
0 – 39
Because of the total of raw score of speaking test is 25, the students’ raw score previously change to the 100 standard score before interpreting into the scoring interpretation of students’ achievement. As suggested by Arikunto (2006: 236) that teacher need to change the students’ raw score from doing a test directly into 100 standard score, by devided students’ raw score to maximum raw skor, and times by 100%. So the students’ score can be fomulated as follow
3.6  Technique of Analysing Data
To analyze the students’ score in pre-test and post-test, the writer uses t-test. According to Gay and Airasian (2000: 485) t-test is used to determine whether or not there is a significance difference between one variable with other variable. So, the post-test score from the control and experimental class will be calculated by using t-test to know wether or not there is a significance effect of using debate technique to the students’ speaking ability at the eleventh grade students. The formulation of t-test is as follow:
t           = the value of t-calculated
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