Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014




Lecturer :

Eliza , SS,M.Pd

group :  8


                            RANI                                               (2312.026)
                           ANNISA AULIA                            (2312.013 )

2013/ 2014


What do you know about meaning when you know a language? To begin with, you know when a "word" is meaningful (flick) or meaningless (blick), and you know when a "sentence" is meaningful (Jack swims) or meaningless (swims metaphorical every). You know when a word has two meanings (bear) and when a sentence has two meanings (Jack saw a man with a telescope). You know when two words have the same meaning (sofa and couch), and when two sentences have the same meaning (Jack put off the meeting, Jack put the meetingoff). And you know when words or sentences have opposite meanings (alive/dead; Jack swims/Jack doesn't swim).
You generally know the real-world object that words refer to like the chair in the corner; and even if the words do not refer to an actual object, such as the unicorn behind the bush, you still have a sense of what they mean, and if the particular object happened to exist, you would have the knowledge to identify it. You know, or have the capacity to discover, when sentences are true or false. That is, if you know the meaning of a sentence, you know its truth conditions. In some cases it's obvious, or redundant (all kings m'e male [true], all bachelors are married [false]); in other cases you need some further, nonlinguistic knowledge(Molybdenum conducts electricityl ), but by knowing the meaning, you know the kind of world knowledge that is needed.
The study of the linguistic meaning of morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences is called semantics. Subfields of semantics are lexical semantics, which is concerned with the meanings of words, and the meaning relationships among words; and phrasal or sentential semantics, which is concerned with the meaning of syntactic units larger than the word. The study of how context affects meaning-for example, how the sentence It's cold in here comes to be interpretedas "close the windows" in certain situations-is called pragmatics.

A.    What speakers know about the sentence meaning
Let's begin by returning to Jack, who is swimming in [he pool. If you are poolside and you hear the sentence Jack swims, and you know the meaning of that sentence, then you wi ll judge the sentence to be true. On the other hand, if you are indoors and you happen to bel ieve that Jack never learned to swim, then when you hear the very same sentence Jack swims, you will judge the sentence to be fa lse and you wi ll thi nk the speaker is misin formed o r lying. More generally,if you know the meaning of a sentence, then you can determine under what conditions it is true or false.
You do not need to actually know whether a sentence is t rue or false to know its mea ning. Knowing rhe meaning tells you how to determine the truth va lue.The sentence copper collducts electricity has meaning and is perfec tly understood precisely because we know how to determine whether it's true or false.Knowing the meani ng of a sentence, then, means knowing under what ci rcumstances it would be true or false according to your knowledge of the world, namely its truth conditions. Reducing the question of meaning (0 the question of truth conditions has proved to be very fr uitful in understanding the semantic properties of language.
For most sentences it docs not make sense (0 say that they arc always true
or always fa lse. Rather, they are true or fa lse in a given situation, as we previously
saw with Jack swims. But a restricted number of sentences arc indeed
always true regard less of the circumsta nces. They are called tautologies. (Theterm analytic is also used for such sentences.) Examples of tautologies are sentenceslike Circles are round or A persall who is sillgle is 1I0t married. Their truth is gua ranteed solely by the meaning of their parts and the way they are put togerher. Similarly, some sentences arc always fa lse. T hese a rc called contradictions.Exampl es of contrad ictions a rc sentences like Circles are square or Abacbelor is married.

1.      Entailment and Related Notions
If you know that the sentence Jack swims beat/tift/fly is t rue, then you a lso
know that the sentence Jack swims must a lso be true. This meaning relation is called entailment. We say that Jack swims beautifully ent ails Jack swims. More generally, one sentence entai ls another if whenever the first sentence is true the second one is also true, in a ll conceivable ci rcumstances.Generally,entailment goes on ly in one direction. So while rhe sentencc Jack swims beautifully entails Jack swims, the reverse is not tr ue. Knowing merely that Jack swims is true does not necessitate the truth of Jack swims beautifully. Jack could be a poor swimmer. On the other hand, negating both sentences reverses the entailment. Jack doesn't swim entails Jack doesn't swim beautifully.
Two sentences are synonymous if they entail each other.
Thus if sentence A entails sentence B and vice versa, then whenever A is true B is true, and vice versa. Although entailment says nothing specifically about false sentences, it's clear that if sentence A entails sentence B, then whenever B is false, A must be false. (If A were true, B would have to be true.) And if B also entails A, then whenever A is false, B would have to be false. Thus mutual entailment guarantees identical truth values in all situations; the sentences are synonymous.
Two sentences are contradictory if, whenever one is true, the other is false or, equivalently, there is no situation in which they are both true or both false. For example, the sentences Jack is alive and Jack is dead are contradictory because if the sentence Jack is alive is true, then the sentence Jack is dead is false, and vice versa. In other words, Jack is alive and Jack is dead have opposite truth values. Like synonymy, contradiction can be reduced to a special case of entailment.
Two sentences are contradictory if one entails the negation of the other.

For instance, Jack is alive entails the negation of Jack is dead, namely Jack
is not dead. Similarly, Jack is dead entails the negation of Jack is alive, namely
Jack is not alive. The notions of contradiction (always false) and contradictory (opposite in truth value) are related in that if two sentences are contradictory, their conjunction with and is a contradiction. Thus Jack is alive and Jack is dead is a contradiction;it cannot be true under any circumstances.

2.      Ambiguity

The boy saw the man with a telescope was an instance of structural ambiguity. It is ambiguous because it can mean that the boy saw the  man by using a telescope or that the boy saw the man who was holding a telescope. The sentence is structurally ambiguous because it is associated with two different phrase structures, each corresponding to a different meaning. Here are the two structures

(1)            S

       NP                                            VP

Det            N                      VP                         PP

The              boy          V                NP       P                       NP

                                    Saw       det        N    with         det                N

                                                   The              man          a                  telescope

(2).                   S

     NP                                    VP

Det                  N          V                    NP                    

The                   boy       saw           NP            PP

                                                Det         N    P          NP

                                                The      man  with   Det         N   

                                                                               a         telescope

B.     Compositional Semantics

a.       Semantic Rules
Our semantic rules must be sensitive not only to the meaning of individual
words but to the structure in which they occur. Taking as an example our simple
sentence Jack swims, let us see how the semantic rules compute its meaning. Themeanings of the individual words are summarized as follows:
Word                                Meaning
Jack                                   refers to (or means) the individual Jack
Swims                                refers to (or means) the set of individuals that  Swim

The phrase structure tree for our sentence is as follows:

                                            NP                       NP

                                             Jack                swims

Semantic Rule I
The meaning of [s NP VP] is the following truth condition: If the meaning of NP (an individual) is a member of the meaning of VP (a set of individuals), then S is TRUE, otherwise it is FALSE
Rule I states that a sentence composed of a subject NP and a predicate VP is true if the subject NP refers to an individual who is among the members of the set that constitute the meaning of the VP. This rule is entirely general; it does not refer to any particular sentence, individuals, or verbs. It works equally well for sentences like Ellen sings or Max barks. Thus the meaning of Max barks is the truth condition (i.e., the "if-sentence") that states that the sentence is true if the individual denoted by Max is among the set of barking individuals.
complex case: the sentence Jack kissed Laura. The main syntactic difference between this example and the previous one is that we now have a transitive verb that requires an extra NP in object position; otherwise our semantic rules will derive the meaning using the same mechanical procedure as in the first example, the word meaning and syntactic structure:

word                      Meaning
Jack                         refers to (or means) the individual Jack
Laura                             refers to (or means) the individual Laura 
              kissed                               refers to (or means) the set of pairs of individuals X and Y such
                               that X kissed Y.

Here is the phrase structure tree.


                                      NP                                                                VP

                                                                                              V                                      NP

                                                                                              kissed                                laura
The meaning of the transitive verb kiss is still a set, but this time a set of pairs of individuals. The meaning of the VP, however, is still a set of individuals, namely those individuals who kissed Laura.

Semantic Rule II

The meaning of [vp V NP] is the set of individuals X such that X is the first member of any pair in the meaning of V whose second member is the meaning of NP. The meaning of the sentence is derived by first applying Semantic Rule II, which establishes the meaning of the VP as a certain set of individuals, namely those who kissed Laura.
These rules, and many more like them, account for our knowledge about the truth value of sentences by taking the meanings of words and combining them according to the syntactic structure of the sentence. It is easy to see from these examples how ambiguous meanings arise. Because the meaning of a sentence is computed based on its hierarchical organization, different trees will have different meanings-structural ambiguity-even when the words are the same, as in the example The boy saw the man with a telescope. The occurrence of an ambiguous word-lexical ambiguity-when it combines with the other elements of a sentence, can make the entire sentence ambiguous, as in She can't bear children. The semantic theory of sentence meaning that we just sketched is not the only possible one, and it is also incomplete, as shown by the paradoxical sentence This sentence is false. The sentence cannot be true, else it's false; it cannot be false, else it's true. Therefore it has no truth value, though it certainly has meaning. This notwithstanding, compositional truth-conditional semantics has proven to be an extremely powerful and useful tool for investigating the semantic properties of natural languages.

When Compositionality Goes Awry
interesting cases in which compositionality breaks down, either because there is a problem with words or with the semantic rules. If one or more words in a sentence do not have a meaning, then obviously we will not be able to compute a meaning for the entire sentence. Moreover,even if the individual words have meaning but cannot be combined together as required by the syntactic structure and related semantic rules, we will also not get to meaning. We refer to these situations as semantic anomaly. Alternatively, it might require a lot of creativity and imagination to derive a meaning. This is what happens in metaphors. Finally, some expressions-called idioms-have a fixed meaning, that is, a meaning that is not compositional. Applying compositional rules to idioms gives rise to funny or inappropriate meanings.


A.                What speakers know about the sentence meaning
Let's begin by returning to Jack, who is swimming in [he pool. If you are poolside and you hear the sentence Jack swims, and you know the meaning of that sentence, then you wi ll judge the sentence to be true. On the other hand, if you are indoors and you happen to bel ieve that Jack never learned to swim, then when you hear the very same sentence Jack swims, you will judge the sentence to be fa lse and you wi ll thi nk the speaker is misin formed o r lying. More generally,if you know the meaning of a sentence, then you can determine under what conditions it is true or false.
Entailment and Related Notions
If you know that the sentence Jack swims beat/tift/fly is t rue, then you a lso
know that the sentence Jack swims must a lso be true. This meaning relation is called entailment. We say that Jack swims beautifully ent ails Jack swims. More generally, one sentence entai ls another if whenever the first sentence is true the second one is also true, in a ll conceivable ci rcumstances.Generally,entailment goes on ly in one direction. So while rhe sentencc Jack swims beautifully entails Jack swims, the reverse is not tr ue. Knowing merely that Jack swims is true does not necessitate the truth of Jack swims beautifully. Jack could be a poor swimmer. On the other hand, negating both sentences reverses the entailment. Jack doesn't swim entails Jack doesn't swim beautifully.
Compositional Semantics

Semantic Rules
Our semantic rules must be sensitive not only to the meaning of individual
words but to the structure in which they occur. Taking as an example our simple
sentence Jack swims, let us see how the semantic rules compute its meaning. Themeaning


Yule ,george  .2006. the study of language . Cambrigde university press
Davidson, D., and G. Harman, eds. 1972. Semantics of natural languages. Dordrecht,
The Netherlands: Reidel.

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